
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Class Trip With Rebbe Nachman #26 - The Awesome Centrality of Faith (SH #31, 32a)
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #31 and 32 we learn about the importance of davening vasikin (hashkama) and further explore the distinction between philosophical and faith-oriented approaches to our relationship with Hashem and the Torah, discovering an eye-opening teaching from Reb Nosson on how much (or how little) we actually know and the way in which faith plays a much larger role in our lives that we ordinarily think...
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #30, we explore a unique teaching from the tzaddik on the proper approach to Nekiyus HaGuf that stresses the importance of keeping our eye on the big picture in avodas Hashem and recognizing (and embracing!) our human limitations. We also discover Rebbe Nachman's opinion on smoking and surmise what he would feel about the use of mood/mind-altering or spiritually enhancive substances as a tool in avodas Hashem. [Trigger warning: unpopular opinion up ahead.]
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available.
Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #29, we explore the Kabbalistic depth of why it is so important for a Jew to study halacha every single day. With great clarity and siyata d'Shmaya, we discuss a few interconnected perspectives into the manner in which the process of studying halacha undoes the confusion brought about by sin and realigns us with the deepest essence of our Jewish identity. This shiur sheds greater light on the foundational concepts presented in "The Story of Our Lives" based on Rebbe Nachman's tale of The Lost Princess.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #28 we discuss the Breslover ideal to explore every area of Torah study. We learn from the Peleh Yoetz regarding how one can "vacation" in the various areas of Torah, Reb Nosson regarding the importance of every holy sefer - irrespective of its subject, and explore a fascinating teaching from the Shelah HaKadosh presenting a novel way for anyone to connect to Kol haTorah Kulah. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos! EXPLORE ALL OF LPI'S LIFE-CHANGING CONTENT HERE: lpitorah.org/
Today's shiur is sponsored by The Uman Center. If you are thinking of traveling to Rebbe Nachman's kever for Rosh Hashanah or any time during the year, The Uman Center is your one-stop-shop for travel, hotel, meals, tefillos and more!
Message The Uman Center on WhatsApp. https://wa.me/message/LWGEXURYRU4CB1

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Class Trip with Rebbe Nachman #22: The Journey is the Destination (SH #26b, 27)
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #26 and 27, we explore the essence of limmud haTorah and the importance of finding our personal portion in Torah study and reserving the primary part of our learning time for this portion. We also talk about proceeding slowly in our avodas Hashem, step by step, and not becoming bewildered by taking on too much at once. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos! EXPLORE ALL OF LPI'S LIFE-CHANGING CONTENT HERE: lpitorah.org/

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Class Trip with Rebbe Nachman #21: The Great Blessing of Forgetfulness(SH #25, 26a)
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #25 and 26, we delve into the remarkable wonder of memory as well as the importance of consciously using our capacity of forgetfulness to let go of the negativity of the past and move into a brighter future with a freeing sense of renewal. Look out for a wonderful teaching from Reb Nosson on the way we conclude and commence the Torah on Simchas Torah and its relationship with the rectification process that begins on Rosh HaShana!
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Class Trip with Rebbe Nachman #20: The Spiritual Diet of a Jew (SH #22b, 23a)
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #23b and 24, we explore the "food" and "drink" of the Jewish soul, discussing the incredible intention with which tzaddikim imbue every aspect of their lives - even the most mundane pursuits, elevating them to the level of avodas Hashem. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #22 and 23, we delve deeply into the manner in which one can benefit in this world and the next from a connection to tzaddikim - sharing in their merit even one lacks any merit of his own. We discuss an incredibly deep teaching from the Baal HaTanya regarding why it is that the mitzvos are considered "garments" and learn about one shul in Yerushalayim you wouldn't want to visit!
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #21 and 22, we continue our deep dive into Rebbe Nachman's guidelines for Rosh HaShana, exploring the importance of crying (or "pretending" to cry) on this elevated day of essentiality and unbearable yearning for our Beloved. We also learn about the importance of connecting to the tzaddikei emes and how their Torah prepares us for the coming of Moshiach as that process continually unfolds. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #21, we delve deeply into the meaning of Rosh Hashanah and explore Rebbe Nachman's guidelines for making the absolute most of this glorious chag - enabling us to be written in the book of true life and dance our way back into the arms of Hashem as we re-embrace our essence amidst infinite joy and confidence! We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos! EXPLORE ALL OF LPI'S LIFE-CHANGING CONTENT HERE: lpitorah.org/