
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #47 and 48, we focus on the need for constant reminders regarding the vanity of this world and the true meaning of life as well as bask in the warm glow of Rebbe Nachman's teaching about renewal and the need to stay away from "old-age", rather starting fresh - even multiple times a day!
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #46 and 47, we learn two incredibly fundamental teaching from the tzaddik regarding the power of our thinking and how spending time each day attempting to gain clarity into the big questions of existence can immeasurably enrich our lives and help us grow closer to Hashem.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Class Trip With Rebbe Nachman #34 - There is Always Hope! (SH #44,45)
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #44 and 45, we explore the significance of the pesukim associated with our names to say at the end of davening and the unique personality of Reb Shimon, the Rebbe's gabbai in this world - and the next! We also learn teachings from the Baal HaTanya and the Berditchover Rav on the way in which broken heartedness leads to great joy! We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos! EXPLORE ALL OF LPI'S LIFE-CHANGING CONTENT HERE: lpitorah.org/

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Class Trip With Rebbe Nachman #33 - Your Smile Can Change the World (SH #43)
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #43, we discover why a person who is in a state of depression "forgets his name", the awesome power of a smile, and different approaches to inspire joy within our hearts even in the darkest of times.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Class Trip With Rebbe Nachman #32 - The Beauty of a Broken Heart (SH #41, 42)
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #41 and 42, we delve deeply into the distinction between "Atzvus" and "Shivron Lev", depression and broken heartedness, catching a glimpse of Rebbe Nachman's image of the ideal oveid Hashem and how we can tap into the Baal HaTanya's "aval m'kol makom", shifting into a heart-centered mindset of a realism founded upon hope, confidence, and joy.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Class Trip With Rebbe Nachman #31 - The Secret of the Dreidel (SH #39,40)
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #39 and 40 we study two foundational teachings from the tzaddik. The first relates to the Breslover ideal of developing a feeling heart, a heart that is impacted by the pain of other individuals and the suffering of the entire world. The second is a glorious exposition on the inner meaning of the Chanukah and the dreidel, presenting a deep argument for simple faith and radical optimism - the essence of redemption.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #38 we explore the reason for why people speak against tzaddikim and the importance of simplicity - understanding that there is much we have yet to learn.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #38 we explore the reason for why people speak against tzaddikim and the importance of simplicity - understanding that there is much we have yet to learn. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos! EXPLORE ALL OF LPI'S LIFE-CHANGING CONTENT HERE: lpitorah.org/

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #32 we delve into the inner-workings of how embarrassment and a broken heart can help a person return to a life of emunah and awareness of our essential mission on this planet.
We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends!
Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos!

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
In this shiur on Sichos HaRan #32 we learn about the way in which simple faith can lift a Jew to a place beyond intellect, the level of Ratzon - unbearable yearning and desire for closeness to Hashem. We hope you enjoy this shiur! Please remember to share with family and friends! Sponsorships for this series are still available. Please contact us for more information! Tizkeh l'mitzvos! EXPLORE ALL OF LPI'S LIFE-CHANGING CONTENT HERE: lpitorah.org/